
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Android in the final frontier: How NASA is using Google’s Project Tango up in space

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 Google’s Project Tango isn’t something you can buy yet, but it’s so much smarter and more advanced than the smartphone in your pocket that NASA is blasting it up into space.

The technology in Project Tango is designed to allow phones to map their environment in 3D, something that hasn’t yet been possible with a consumer-grade gadget up until recently.
This isn’t the first time NASA has used Android phones in space: back in 2011, NASA sent up the Nexus S to power its SmartSPHERES, which help the astronauts conduct various tests up in space. Google’s Project Tango is way more technologically advanced than the 4-year-old smartphone, and it’s time for NASA’s little helpers to consider an upgrade.
I sat down with Chris Provencher, project manager of SmartSPHERES (part of the Intelligent Robotics Group (IRG) at NASA). He told me all about how Google’s technologically advanced prototypes will help find a solution to automating all those “housekeeping” activities that take up the astronauts’ time. We also talked about what it takes to tweak a smartphone so that it properly works up in space.

An easy solution to a complex problem

SPHERES stands for “Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites,” but they’re not your typical idea of traditional satellites. They resemble large many-sided dice—like the kind that you’d use in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Once you attach a smartphone, it becomes a SmartSPHERES.
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A SPHERE on its own, with no smartphone.
The SmartSPHERES are used to help the astronauts with many common tasks, like measuring the air flow, air quality, and noise levels up in the ISS. “[These are] perfect examples of what a small free-flying robot could take over that would allow the astronauts to go on and do more important things—like science,” said Provencher, though they’re not a permanent solution to this particular predicament. 
By attaching a smartphone, which already comes standard with components like WiFi and a very capable processor, NASA can use existing technology to help it with testing up in the ISS.
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Chris Provencher, SmartSPHERES Project Manager, demonstrates how Google’s Project Tango hooks up to the SPHERES.
Some of the SmartSPHERES are still using Nexus S handsets while being tested for this sort of work, but those were sent up back in 2011. They navigate using a beacon system that keeps them confined to a 2 x 2 x 2 meter cube. “SPHERES has to operate in that spot, which is great for tests, but the SPHERES cannot fly out of that volume or else it will stop knowing where it is,” said Provencher. “To do all the of the tasks that we’re doing—to really do them—you have to be able to take those air measurements or those noise level readings anywhere inside the space station." 
“That’s what we think Project Tango can do,” he added. “The fact that you can build up a map of your environment and learn your way inside that environment is exactly what we need.”

Hacking a phone for space

The Project Tango smartphone NASA uses looks quite different from the ones being developed down here on Earth. Its hardware has been "butterflied" open and stuffed into its own rig that attaches on to the SPHERES. All the essential components that face the rear of the phone are turned around to face forward. 
Project Tango in space
Florence Ion and Michael Homnick
The infrared camera, infrared projector, and wide-angle camera sensors are moved to the front. The wide-angle camera, in particular, helps the satellite see where it’s going. “As the phone moves…it sees that [a] point moved off to the left, so it can see how far it moved,” explained Provencher. The infrared projector, on the other hand, projects infrared patterns into the environment to be picked up by the infrared camera, which is how Project Tango gets it 3D mapping abilities. It's fundamentally quite similar to the Xbox's Kinect.
On the back, the rig features a bracket that binds the phone to the SPHERES, as well as a MicroUSB data cable. Provencher also mentioned that the phone uses an entirely different battery than what Google originally plopped in there; it’s actually a 4,900mAh battery pack that measures in at 11.5 cm by 6.9 cm by 2.8 cm. 
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Project Tango hooked on to the SPHERES.
To work in space, the IRG took out the GSM chip in the Project Tango smartphone, but left all of the camera sensors, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios, and accelerometers inside. The latter, however, was deactivated, because, “this phone uses gravity to help its orientation,” began Provencher. “The handheld version for Planet Earth uses accelerometers, so when you’re moving around it can sense the motion and it can use those measurements to  figure out how far it’s actually moved.”
Accelerometers don’t work the same in space, where there's only microgravity. “The SPHERES moves incredibly slowly—two centimeters to four centimeters per second,” continued Provencher. “Accelerometers in these phones are not sensitive enough to detect that, so we cannot use those…at all.”
It took several months to go through all the vision algorithms contained within the Android source code so that the device would no longer rely on gravity. The Project Tango smartphones in space rely on their wide-angle cameras; they measure angles to keep track of how far they’ve moved so that they know their trajectory. They also utilize the infrared sensors to do 3D mapping. “We’re relying more heavily on the infrared—or 3D sensors—than what the Tango typically uses,” he added. “It can measure angles. It keeps track of a feature and it can see how far it’s moved in terms of angles, so it knows it trajectory.”

Plenty of testing left to do

The SmartSPHERES will not be permanently instituted in space. “This is just a test to see that this technology works,” said Provencher. “We’re almost finished with our testing down here…we’re finalizing our software right now and we’ll uplink it as soon as the phones are up there and ready to receive.”
The tweaked Project Tango phones blasted up to space on July 13. Once they’re set up on the ISS and the software is uploaded, they’ll be attached to the SPHERES to begin the second phase of testing, which is to see if they can actually leave that narrow 8-cubic-meter volume they were previously limited to. “We tell it to fly where we want it to,” said Provencher. “We’re going to try flying it out of that little area, out of that module, take a 90-degree turn into another module and then come back.” It will be the crew’s job to ensure the SmartSPHERES don’t veer off and fly into a wall.
Testing with the SmartSPHERES should end this September, with the IRG team hoping to begin mapping out blueprints for a full-blown robot later this fall. “You need a robot,” said Provencher. “The SPHERES satellites itself is a great starting point as a testbed, but it doesn’t have everything we want.”
Florence Ion — Staff Writer
Florence is an Android-using yogi obsessed with all things tech.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Which Browser to Use on Android?

Smartphones have become much more than just communication devices, and it’s years since they’ve been viewed just as that. In addition to playing the role of a capable media player, portable gaming device and personal information manager, your smartphone is probably your choice for all sorts of casual web browsing as well. In fact, when late Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone back in 2007, he touted internet browsing as one of the primary features of the new device.
In this arena, Android holds a distinctive advantage over iOS, owing to its open-source nature and larger variety of capable choices when it comes to picking your preferred web browser. Google Play Store is riddled with these, making the choice a tough one, so we decided to put together a list of some of our favorite web browsers for Android, along with the good and bad for each of them.

See the full list at this link

A Cat Feeder With Facial Recognition Technology

Meow! Just when you think you have seen it all, some cat loving entrepreneur has created a smart food dispenser to look after your four legged feline. It implements really cool face recognition technology that identifies your cat and feeds them while also informing you of your cat’s diet via your smartphone. Download the ‘Bistro’ app and monitor your cat’s diet, weight etc as well as connecting to other crazy cat people… I mean cat lovers. If you have multiple cats, this device will identify them individually too thanks to the face recognition technology, therefore you know exactly which one of your cats is eating. My concern would be if one cat is eating then the other one attacks it and chases it away and begins to eat that cat’s food, then would it weigh the cats wrong? Maybe the technology is advanced enough to tell if that happens. Plus it seems it will only dispense dry food as it does not mention anything about wet food from cans.

The Bistro Smart Cat face recognition food dispenser is on indiegogo, a website that helps projects attract investors. It only started two days ago and has already reached 60% of its requested 100,000USD target. If you are a cat-fanatic then you will definitely need to check out the video however you may want to look at BestBuyMadeira for our great selection of smartphones to pair up with this cool cat face recognition food dispenser.

Allow Your Phone To Ring Only If It’s Important

Essential Calls is an Android app that lets calls from white listed contacts bring your phone out of silent mode and ring or vibrate, whichever you prefer. The app has a Lite version and a premium version. The Lite version lets you white list only two contacts (a bit too restrictive to be honest) while the premium version lets you add unlimited contacts and get SMS alerts for text messages sent by them.

Launch Essential Calls and add the contacts that are super important. It might be a good idea to let those contacts know that they should only get in touch with you in case of a real emergency so that the app serves its purpose as well as yours. Tap the plus button to add a contact from your phone book or just add a contact directly to the app. Tap Activate. You can now set the phone on silent or vibrate, whatever suits you when you don’t want to be disturbed.
With the app active, an icon appears in the notification area with the silent or vibrate icon still visible. When you receive a call, the silent/vibrate icon disappears and your device either rings or vibrates to alert you. You can choose whether the app should vibrate or ring your device when a call from a white listed contact comes through. Tap the more button and select how you want to be alerted. You can also disable the app’s notification area icon.

Lenovo reveals smartglasses prototype that apes Google Glass, seeks hardware partners

lenovo smartglasses
Lenovo showed off a smart glasses prototype on Thursday, part of a push to attract developers and other hardware manufacturers to a new partner program.
The wearable device looks similar to Google Glass, but has its battery attached down at the user’s necks. More details will be announced in October.
Lenovo is also looking for partners to help it develop products ranging from wireless routers to air purifiers for its home market of China. The PC maker wants to team up, and even invest in tech companies that work on products beyond PCs and smartphones.
To that end, Lenovo has established the “NBD” platform. If it wants to address a broader market, including connected devices that make up the so-called Internet of things, Lenovo can’t just build the hardware independently, and hope it sells, company executives said to journalists on Thursday.
“Right now there are too many kinds of devices you can develop for the Internet of Things. It’s too rich. Not one company can do it all,” said Chen Xudong, Lenovo senior vice president.
lenovo nbdMICHAEL KAN
The NBD platform, which in Chinese stands for “new bench,” can offer funding, manufacturing, hardware research and other logistical support to partners. It’s currently geared for the Chinese market, but Lenovo could use it to jumpstart products for international distribution.
“We hope to use Lenovo’s advantages to combine with innovators,” Chen added. “This platform can help them quickly start selling products, and create a supply chain for the market.”
In addition to Lenovo’s own smart glasses prototype, the vendor is partnering with U.S. smart glasses maker Vuzix to bring its own product to China. The M100, which uses Android 4.0.4 and a 1GHz dual-core processor, will first go on sale to developers for 8,000 yuan ($1298) in August or September, and is meant for business users.
German company Luftmed is working with the NBD program to sell an affordable air purifier in China that can be controlled via smartphone. The New Air X330 is meant to offer cleaner air and more accurate statistics than competing products.
Also on display Thursday was a wireless router, developed in partnership with other Chinese companies, that can be managed remotely via a mobile device.
As it branches out beyond PCs, Lenovo has typically introduced new product categories in China, before deciding whether to sell them internationally. It took this approach with smartphones, tablets and smart TV products.
Other Chinese companies are also seeking to extend their influence through partner programs. In April, the country’s leading search engine, Baidu, announced its own projectto attract hardware makers to build smart devices using the company’s technology.


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